March 2023 Developer Updates

Our development team is constantly updating and improving the Botsplash platform. For the month of March 2023 you can find a few improvements added to the Botsplash experience below:

Unread / Unanswered Filters

We have made the massage dashboard even easier to organize with the unread and unanswered filters. These give the agent the ability to focus on the current active conversations so no opportunities are missed. 

Unread and Unanswered Filters
New filters offered on the message dashboard

Schedule Text Auto Cancel Features

We have expanded our auto cancel feature by offering the ability to auto cancel a scheduled text message based on if and when the visitor responds or if the visitor is archived.

Scheduled Text Auto Cancel
New auto-cancel options available within the scheduled text feature


Powered by Open AI GPT 3 , the Blurb feature now offers the ability to create a brief summary of conversation history with a visitor instantly.

The Botsplash Blurb
Clicking the "Blurb" button will automatically craft a summary of the conversation
The Botsplash Blurb Example
Example of a Blurb summary

March 2023

Feature Spotlight

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