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Frequently Asked Questions

Browse common FAQs below.

How often will I get a message from Botsplash?

We send messages on a monthly-basis, typically on the first Tuesday of each month.

What can I expect Botsplash to message me about?

We put great emphasis on providing useful information in the form of events, blogs, videos, walkthroughs, testimonials, and more. If you haven't reached out to us yet, registering for our messaging distribution to stay up to date is a great place to start!

What email address will our updates come from?

All company update messages from us will be sent from,, or If you receive a Botsplash message from any other email address, it should be considered spam and reported to us immediately.

Can I unsubscribe once subscribed?

Absolutely! There is no long-term commitment. You can unsubscribe to all future emails at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button.