Email and SMS Escalations

Get Critical Customer Issues Resolved Faster with Botsplash's email and SMS escalation!

Say goodbye to missed opportunities and stay ahead of the game with Botsplash’s SMS and email escalation. If an agent is unavailable, they will receive an SMS or email notification, ensuring that critical customer inquiries are addressed promptly. No more missed calls, no more missed inquiries - just smooth and seamless support.

Stay Connected on the Go

Stay connected to your customers, even when you're away from your desk. With our SMS and email escalation, you can receive notifications, accept visitors, and respond to inquiries without logging into the platform.

Converse With Multiple Visitors at the Same Time

Quickly converse with multiple visitors simultaneously without logging into the platform. This will buy you some time before you are back on the platform. In the sales world, even seconds matter, so this feature ensures your customer won't wait much longer.

Drive Customer Loyalty With Prompt Support

Offer your customers the ultimate support experience with the quick and efficient replies to their inquiries. With our SMS and email escalation, you can maintain high levels of customer satisfaction, resulting in increased customer loyalty.

Customizable Notifications

You can customize the escalations based on your needs. You can decide whether you want to enable these features or not or which notifications you want to get in email and SMS.

Easy Setup

This feature requires configuration, and you should enable this feature on the profile page to receive SMS and email escalation. To receive SMS escalation, you need to provide a valid phone number under the call escalation; you will receive this option.

So, elevate your customer support experience with SMS and email escalation. Try it now and see the difference it makes.

If you have additional questions about this integration or are a current client looking to integrate their experience with this application, please message us using the form below.

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When does an email or SMS get sent to an agent?

Escalations trigger when an agent is unavailable after a set amount of time, ensuring critical issues don't get lost. You can also manually escalate urgent inquiries anytime.

Can I choose which agents receive notifications?

Absolutely! Customize notification settings to reach specific agents based on their expertise, availability, or team assignments. This ensures the right person gets notified for each issue.

What information is included in the notification?

Email and SMS provide key details like the customer's name, inquiry summary, and any attachments or chat history. This allows agents to jump right in with context and deliver faster resolutions.

Can I customize the message content of the notifications?

While pre-built templates ensure essential information is communicated, you can add personalized messages and instructions to guide agents further.